Making “On Earth as it is in Heaven” a reality

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Spread the Word

On Earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10

“On earth as it is in heaven.”

That phrase is pregnant with meaning.

Can we just pause for a moment here. Mentally access that that phrase. “Thy will be done ON earth as it is in heaven.”

It is a powerful thought.

Recently, when we covered “Thy Will be done,” (which I will link to in the show notes) I was considering the idea of “surrender” But Gods will being done, does not mean just surrendering, even though that is at the heart of Gods will. God’s will is also found in the doing.

Let me explain:

On December 16th I wrote about this story in my journal.

I wrote “Today, God met me as a disciplinarian.”

I got out of bed, and as I prepared for the day, I began listening to a news podcast. That is something I told the Lord I would NOT do. I had promised to avoid news and social media until after I spent time with Him. I don’t know about you, but once I get scrolling and clicking, and hour has gone by before I even realize what hit me! 

After my “phone time” I still cleaned the dishes, and wiped down the counter, I settled in for my God time.

That’s when I sensed… a sternness from God. He seemed like a stone wall to my meager prayers. It was as though he towered above me with great crossed arms, looking down at me like a strict school master! 

My first thought was that: This must be some demonic thing here to disturb my peace! God is never stern, he is always loving, kind, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. Just listen to my interview with Emily in two weeks! You will know that is who our God is!

I attempted to beat off this sense of a stern God by rebuking the enemy, and a foray into the Word of God. Yet, it persisted. It actually grew stronger.

It was not terrifying, but very uncomfortable. Like I was under the scrutiny of a parent who just walked in on their teenager as they were blatantly disobeying in some way. 

I hated that feeling. I really did. I couldn’t pray or read so I just sat there. Waiting.

God’s Spirit broke through and said to me:

“I have called you out. I am separating you to myself. Yet, still you do not obey. You NEED to pray. I am protecting you (by calling me to pray) So many do not understand this need, at least you do understand, but I have separated you for this purpose, that I may prepare and train you to train others.”

Then the sense of sternness turned into deep sorrow. I sensed sorrow over not just my own lack, but the general lack of God’s children. We hear Gods voice, and yet we drag our feet. We are slow to obey. We procrastinate. By hesitating to walk in Gods commands, we are showing we do not want to obey.

That was an arrow to my heart. It hurt.

By playing on my phone I showed God I really did not want to obey His call to put my time with Him first! Yikes. And ouch. My heart and motives were laid bare. 

Still, I wondered if such a firm rebuke could be from my father, who loves me dearly and unconditionally. I reached for my Bible and opened directly to Matthew 4:20

“And straightway they left their nets and followed…and they Immediately left the ship and their father and followed Him.”


As I read those verses they offered confirmation. These men were chosen, not because of prestige, good looks, or talents. God chose them because they had a heart to follow. They did not hesitate to leave behind the most precious things in life to follow. By doing so, they proved they had a true love of God.

When I first was dating my husband, he lived two hours away. I was going through a rough patch emotionally. There were times I would call him when it seemed all of life had turned on me. Next thing I knew, he was at my door knocking.

He told me the song by third day represented how he felt:

I can’t stop the rain

From falling down on you again

I can’t stop the rain

But I will hold you ’til it goes away

To this day that song and those memories of him driving through the night after a 12 hour shift to comfort me still bring tears to my eyes. 

It’s no wonder I said “yes” to marrying that man, and why I am so crazy in love with him to this day.

That is the sort of love we are meant to feel to our God in heaven. It is why all of heaven worships, adores, and obeys the one on the throne that shines through all of eternity. They see Him, and they know Him. Obedience is not a chore or a question, it is something those who love eagerly do, and can’t wait to do, for the one they love. That is how God loves us, and it is how we love Him back.

Take a look at John 14:23-24

“Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. Whoever does not love Me does not keep My words.”

Do you want to bring heaven to earth?


Do what they do in heaven. Say yes! 

One young revivalist, Jessi Green said in a recent interview that her families motto is “obedience is success.”

I had never heard such a thing! Obedience caused Jessie’s family to move, to go to difficult areas and minister the gospel, to give up houses  and leave ministries they loved. But they obeyed. And God has done amazing things through their lives. Through simple obedience they lead meetings, even in pouring rain where many were saved and healed. Jessi has been featured on television and internet shows, and is now raising up a new generation of fiery evangelist.

All because a wee lass said “Yes” to an unseen God.

And a “yes” to God is usually accompanied by a NO.

The reason a “yes” gets stuck in our throat is because we resist saying “no” to the things our world offers us. I am not just talking about creature comforts like staying in bed or binge watching a Netflix series. Sometimes we must say no to a good distraction. 

Recently I have been feeling led to back out of the children’s ministry I deeply love and have so much fun participating in! And many people were a bit shocked I would leave a place God clearly set me 6 years ago. A place I have thrived. A place I was a blessing to my home church. (I’m a big home church, gal, btw. Shout out to New Life Church of Marquette! Kisses blown) 

But whenever I took time to sit with God, He was telling me that my very full and busy life was to be parred back. That my real, true, ministry, takes place behind closed doors, alone, with Him. Where no one sees, no one applauds, and no one hears. 

The question has risen within me many times: Is that enough for me?

I think it is only appropriate for us to consider what “success” means to each of us. 

Is it feeling fulfilled? Happy? Financially secure? 

Or is Success simply seeking Gods will and then doing it? Even if you don’t feel fulfilled, happy, or financially secure.

That can be answered when we say “Thy will be done On Earth as it is in heaven.”

How IS God’s will accomplished in heaven? 

I won’t answer that here. I will. However, use it as food for thought in this months newsletter. You can find a Bible study that goes along with this episode, as well as prayer cards to print and utilize through the links in the Newsletter.

Sign up to receive the newsletter today so you do not miss any upcoming episodes or the freebies I will be including.

Now, let’s switch gears a little. 

My original plan was to end this podcast right here, with a prayer.

But I believe the Lord has a Word for this coming New Year for all who will listen.

First of All: God impressed on me the severe importance of prayer, especially utilizing the gift of tongues if you have received it. Things are coming. Winds are blowing across this land. Our faith WILL be challenged. You do not know what lies ahead and it is important to be pre-prayered! Set that time aside and do it. Start small, even five minutes if it is all you have, but pray for your household, family and church!


As I hung out with the Lord this morning, the Spirit within me seemed to be directing me to find something specific in scripture. I was unable to complete my normal reading plan. After I sorta browsed and prayed I hit Hosea 7:1 “When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered.”

Hmm. I paused there. Lately I have heard a lot about “exposure” and many godly, spirit led ministers have been saying to pray for exposure. Is that what this verse is saying? That in order for God to heal our land, sins must be discovered? 

Let’s read it again:

Hosea 7:1 “When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered.”

I looked up the Hebrew word for discover there, and it is interesting: It is the word “gala’.” It means to uncover, to reveal, disclose, and to be naked. It also is used concerning being led into captivity!

Then the Spirit began to speak to me.

The hidden sins of this nation MUST be uncovered for our nation to be healed. Pray for that exposure, for the Gala’. 

Then He said to me that as it is uncovered, the spiritual warfare over this land will certainly intensify. Things are going to shake! We have seen much of this warfare already. The more that is uncovered, the closer we will move towards our healing. It will cause us to repent and cry out to God.

Yet, The more it is uncovered the more angry the spiritual wickedness in high places will fight!

Now, as people repent and turn to him within homes, churches, or regions, He will be at work there. But to save the soul of our very spiritually ill nation, there must be much moreexposure and repentance. Not from the wicked who may continue to do wickedly, but from the church. By all who are called by His name. 

Otherwise, captivity is what the Lord will use to reveal and obliterate hidden darkness. 

We can start with our families, our work places. Just pray. Daily. And may these small sparks ignite into a great grass-roots fire!

That is a part of why embracing our prayer time is so important right now!

In fact, let us pray now:

I am going to read a prayer from my journal. I wrote it the day after God came to me with a stern rebuke for my disobedience. I am going to share with you that moment of brokenness, as I encourage you to pray this prayer with me:


Oh Lord…If we only understood our lack.

Our lack of desire to truly obey and follow Jesus every moment.

As we consider asking at every waking moment ”What do YOU want me to do?” 

We are terrified.

Could we? Would we? Do it?

It makes us realize our lack of trust and faith in your will.

Change us Oh Lord

Forgive my broken, sinful, fleshly, selfish, ways. Forgive me for only wanting to preserve myself!

I must scream above the cacophony of the flesh as it calls and claws to bring me lower as You, oh Lord, desire to bring me higher “Your will be done! Your will be done in me! Your will be done On Earth, as It is in Heaven”


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