America Will Be Saved!

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Spread the Word

Hello! I am so happy you could join me today at “Storming the Gates,” the  place where religion and politics DO mix! This is episode 1 and volume 1 of the prayer and prophecy journals where we will be looking at what God is saying to people through prophetic insights and His Word.

Since this is the very first episode I want to take you back in time when I first was touched by God to pray for America and my journey from there to here.

It was 1983 and I was still a pretty new Christian, attending a prayer meeting at the house I lived in. I knelt and tried to focus on the prayers going on around me a picture appeared before me. It was in my mind, yet as vivid as if I was viewing it with my own eyes.

It was as though I was above America, viewing it from high above the earth. I saw small, wispy, clouds moving slowly but surely from both the East and the West. 

And I heard “A storm is coming to America. It is barely beginning, but the clouds will grow and converge. A storm will surely come. Warn everyone you can.”

Who would I warn? I shared the story with my prayer meeting friends, who smiled and nodded vaguely. But hello! This was 1983. America was prosperous and happy. People were just beginning to realize their aspirations! 

Still, I shared the vision through the years at various Bible studies and prayer meetings. I usually got smiles and nods. What did I expect? What could we do? 

All the while the clouds were gathering and growing darker.

Now jump ahead to about the year 2000. I am not exactly sure when, but I recorded in one of my many journals a word God gave me once as I grieved over the sin and slow destruction I saw happening in America.

I will find it someday and take a picture, but I remember it perfectly: “America will fall to her knees but she will not die. Her light will shine again, though never as bright, breifly, before going out forever.”

It was both sobering and hopeful.

I also felt we likely had about 20 years left before the shaking would occur that would drive this great nation to her knees. Twenty years felt a long ways away.

Well, those twenty years have passed. The storm clouds are now evident to all. And this is the part I believe, where America is falling to her knees. 

And yet God has given us a word of Hope. 

As I contemplated sharing with you today the word God spoke to me I happened across a Youtube video by a man named Ed Citronnelli who said he asked God what was happening in America right now. Before he even finished his prayer God spoke to him. “In a little while I will raise Lazarus again.” God told Ed Citronnelli that the Lazarus he was raising from the dead this time was America.

“Lazarus,” he preached, “you may be sick right now. Lazarus, you may be scarred right now, you might be on your last leg. You might be on your last breath right now, but this is not unto your destruction. This is not unto your elimination.”

When I heard this it made me dig through my books, which are also many, and pull one out by Reinhard Bonnke called “Raised from the dead.” Let me read you from the back cover:

“AS Reinhard Bonnke debated whether or not to move his ministry to America, he did something he had never done before; he prayed for a sign to confirm that God truly was calling him to go to America. God was about to answer that prayer.

“A few days later, a woman brought her husband to the Nigerian church where Bonnke was preaching, in hopes that his partially embalmed body would be raised from the dead after three days in a coffin. Although Bonnke was unaware of this and never even prayed for the man, the woman’s husband, lying in the church basement began to breathe again during the sermon. In front of thousands of witnessed, this man, who still couldn’t move because of rigor mortis, was raised back to life. After his message, Bonnie was besieged by a crowd yelling, “He’s breathing! He’s breathing!”

This incredible miracle, now detailed for the first time, is part of a movement of God birthed in a small African church and stretching around the world to America. It is the beginning of a work of God that will confirm His word to Bonnke: 

“America will be saved!”

God used a Lazarus moment to demonstrate His power to revive not just a man, but a nation. My nation. America.

We KNOW there is a storm We know two dark forces are meeting in the middle of American society and swirling and thundering around us.

Good and Evil are beginning to collide.

I love America. I want to see the land of the free and the home of the brave survive and thrive. But perhaps a day of reckoning will come first. There is judgment and mercy. The land must be cleansed. The government and administrations within the government have distorted the law and broken faith with the Christian roots. I just saw today our Supreme Court ruled governors can enforce a fifty person limit on churches that is not enforced against casinos or protests. Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong in the sacred hallways of Washington DC.

So what do we do? 

Well, that’s what this podcast is about.

We take hope because the battle is the Lords, but we also have to strap on our swords and grab our shields to prepare for the same  battle ahead.

I believe that everyday, as we take time to be with God, He reveals His plan. In the podcasts ahead we will join with our general, God, as He lays out the strategies we need to conquer the enemy within and without.

But first of all be encouraged!

America will be saved!

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