Psalm 91:1 – Am I Dwelling?

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Psalm 91:1 “He that dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” After a week off work rumors were abounding about lockdowns. Days of deep uncertainty began. While I recognized the Corona Virus with all its threatening conditions would likely move on, having a national quarantine was a bizarre and new experience. We have no idea what tomorrow may bring. Earth is a beautiful, yet tragic place. It’s full of Gods sunshiny love, as well as the shadow of death. Reassurance is needed in times of uncertainty. Humans long to know that we are loved and that someone is watching out for us! A couple years ago, I was new to bus driving. It made me nervous to drive a huge yellow machine down the road. I took the responsibility for all the little lives that boarded my bus very seriously. While in training, we were shown videos that highlighted tragedies due to a bus driver’s momentary lapse of judgment. In between routes, I began memorizing Psalm 91. It was the perfect piece of scripture to combat fear. It reminded me of God’s constant presence. Upon reading Psalm 91, it is easy to make a quick assumption that the “he that dwells” means ourselves, and just zip right by that first phrase. I know it’s the type of verse I would skim through, because I would assume it was speaking about me. Without stopping to realize it, we are saying to ourselves “I know God. I’m His kid! It’s about me.” Let’s take a closer look. It says “He that dwells.” Before we move on, it’s important to ask “IS this me? Do I dwell with God? Am I carving out time in my day to simply be with God.” I guess the answer may be in defining what “Dwell” means? The Hebrew word is “yashab.” The root of this word implies “sitting down with.” That means living with one another. Communing with others and sharing life together. Let’s clarify it even more. If I had a renter living in one of my back bedrooms, I would be living with them, sure. I am in a “dwelling” with them, but I may not really know them. I would just collect payment each month and let them go their own way. Actually, one of my adult sons is currently living in a back bedroom. He pops out in the morning and says “Hello.” He sits down and we talk about our days. Sometimes we play music together, eat together, or discuss politics. We are continually building our relationship and learning from one another. Are you sharing your life with God? Taking time to be with Him, listening to him, and allowing Him to be a part of all you do and every decision you make? Do you carve out time to be with Him? Saturday morning is the time my husband and I are free from lives’ obligations. Charlie usually wakes up after me, and comes upstairs to sit and chat. There is something about an unscheduled and unplanned day that lends itself to long and interesting conversations. God wants every morning with you to be a Saturday morning. Lets look at Revelation 3: 20 : Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me.” Is that door open? Or is Jesus still standing outside knocking? It could be He’s been knocking so long that the sound has become part of the background noise of our life. Then there is that old-school word “sup.” It means the dinner meal. It’s the meal where we sit and chat and spend an unhurried evening together. The Corona virus has forced us inside, into a new, quiet place. Difficulties have a way of doing that to us. At first, we may still run to and fro. We may try to keep our minds occupied or solve all of humanities’ problems. Eventually we slow down. We stop the endless scurrying. We sit. And in sitting, we can quiet our busy mind and listen. “Knock, knock, knock…” We notice it when we are still and listen. Psalm 91:1 goes on to say that the one who dwells shall “Abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” The Hebrew word here for abide is “luwn.” This word means you are not just sitting, but you have stopped. You have chosen to stay where you are and make it permanent. You will lodge with God. He becomes your new address. You are at home with God. So at home, in fact, His shadow covers you. You are only under the shadow of the thing that is closest to you. He is a God who is near. He is standing beside you. He listens as you share your thoughts. I know I am starting to ramble when my husband’s eyes get glassy and far away. It’s frustrating, because my heart longs to be heard and known. When we pour out our soul to God, he nods with rapt interest. He doesn’t hear words alone, He hears and sees my very heart. He knows my name. He has the hairs on my head counted. All that we do and say is of interest to the Almighty. He is the lover of our souls. He cherishes us deeply. “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their prayer.” (1 Peter 3:12) So try it. Sit and listen. Do you hear him knocking? Open the door. Then stop. Stay. Abide with Him. There is an old song that says “Abide with me, fast falls the eventide. The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide.” It’s a lovely song, which represents our calling out to the father. The truth is, it is HE who is asking US to abide with Him. We are the ones who run hither and yon while He patiently waits for us to stop, to sit, and sup with Him. Write out Psalm 91:1 Write it out using your own words: What does “Dwelling” mean to you? How does that look in your relationships? Have you heard the Lord knocking to come and sup with you? If so, how do you tend to respond to that knock. If not, how can you position yourself to better hear that knock? What keeps you from stopping and sitting with the Lord? List ways to overcome the challenges that prevent you from dwelling with God. Begin memorizing Psalm 91 with verse 1 today.
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