Psalm 91:3 – Surely

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Spread the Word
Along with the poisoned winds of Corona Virus came quarantine. Or rather “Sheltering in place.” Being asked to stay home seemed truly odd. It was surreal, but I was exhausted and welcomed a reprieve from my work and volunteering. During the initial days of quarantine, funny memes and parodies popped up all over social media to entertain the home bound masses. A headline for an article put out by the Babylon Bee read “God to ignore quarantine and continue being everywhere.” This headline cracked me up! Babylon Bee correctly calls itself “Christian News Satirical”, but this time it’s not satirical.  They got it right! Today we are going to look at verse 3 of Psalm 91: “Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.” Embracing this verse can be a leap of faith at times. I was studying  verse 3 for my podcast as the first case of Corona virus was confirmed in my county. My husband works in health care, and without even realizing it, I was picturing this “noisome Pestilence” getting a foothold in the facility where he works. It was not a pretty picture. As it turned out, both my daily devotion and a book I am reading quoted Matthew 6:34 “Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought of itself.”  It was a great reminder that God goes before us and sees our tomorrows. He’s already there with a plan!  He was saying to me “You just relax, honey. I got this.” Have you ever had that happen? The same verse popping up all over? This is why we dwell with Him in the secret place. When we do, we give Him an open door to reiterate His truth and reassure our trembling soul. His Word and His presence blasts fear. Fear itself is a “noisome pestilence.” It’s loud and it’s a pest. Fear is like a  mosquito, buzzing and biting us. We have to swat and wave and continually escape to our fortress. Some days we can barely come out due to the swarm of fear.  Other times we exit the secret place and go all day in the peace that comes from being sheltered in HIm. I am so grateful for Psalm 91. It is a refuge that I can return to and remind myself that God is MY God and I can trust in Him. As we unpack Psalm 91:3, I already find the first part to be a bit challenging.            “SURELY He will deliver you.” Surely?             But God… I know Christians who died in car accidents. I know Christians who suffered persecution. I know some who have been crying out to you for healing and have yet to be relieved. How can this Psalm make such a claim? Let’s look at healing, specifically. There are two thoughts, or I should say “philosophies ” I have here. They are based on my time with God and my experiences, but I also acknowledge the subject of healing is a complicated thing. There is no “one size fits all.” The words verse three uses here are “noisome” which also means destructive, calamitous, or evil. Then “snare of the fowler” implies a trap set by Satan. In both cases, this verse is saying that what the enemy plans for us cannot prevail. Again; God is already in our tomorrows preparing the way for us. Another aspect to healing is that it would be foolish to assume everyone is healed every time of everything. In the day Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil our fleshly bodies began deteriorating. No one is going to escape physical death! But we need not FEAR it!! David said in Psalm 23; “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.” Chuck Smith who founded Calvary Chapels tells a story of a man who came to his house unexpectedly for counseling. He asked if Pastor Chuck would meet him in the privacy of his car. Pastor Chuck obliged. As they were talking, the man then held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him. Pastor Chuck continued the conversation calmly. The man put the gun down. “I wanted to see if you believe what you preach.”  Pastor Chuck explained that as he faced the barrel of the gun, he was not afraid of death. He knew he had an eternal home. Daniel’s friends were facing a fiery furnace and declared, “Our God whom we serve is ABLE to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace…but if not…we will not serve thy gods.” In the book “The hiding Place” two sisters hold onto to God in the midst of terrible suffering. One sister, Betsie, is terribly ill. She manages to inform her sister Corrie that God told her they would both be free before year’s end. Indeed, Corrie is miraculously let out of the prison before the year’s end. Betsie is set free through death. “Oh death”, the Bible says, “where is your sting?” If we know Jesus, death is but a door to a new and glorious beginning. John Wesley, enroute to America marveled at the calm a persecuted Christian sect called the Moravians maintained as the ship tossed and turned in a vicious storm. “How are you so calm?” he asked.”Are you not afraid to die?” “We die daily,” came the wise answer from the leader. As we declare “My God, in YOU I trust,” we also surrender our lives and trust that what He does is good and right. If that means our death will bring Him glory, then even that is laid down at His feet. It may take some serious secret place time to grasp that truth. That is ok. It is what the Secret Place is all about. We dwell there with God until His peace overshadows us. Finally, I do believe God heals. In fact, I am aware of more miraculous healings than seemingly pointless deaths. Therefore, we pray and call on God. Then we continue to “Shelter in place” with HIM. HE will speak to us in the quiet of our hearts. He will give us the verse we need for each situation. Our role is to let Him be God. You know that Babylon Bee article I mentioned at the beginning. Here s another quote from it: “We have absolutely no control over the guy” said CDC spokesman Jim Wells, “Which is extremely frustrating. We want to remind you, though, that you are NOT God, so please stay put in small groups.” Do all you can. Then, after you have done all, stand. (Eph 6:13) God will  go before us and take care of our tomorrow. God is already there arranging it on our behalf.   Write out Psalm 91:3 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Write it out using your own words: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now say Psalm 91:1-3 aloud. How do you feel about the term “surely” He will deliver you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you think of a time God delivered you? Was it the way you expected to be delivered? How did He surprise you in that deliverance? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What noisome pestilence or fear may be bothering you today? How can this verse offer reassurance? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Read Ephesians 6:13. What can you do to solve the problem that may be causing fear? In what way are you dependent on God to solve it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Who do you think the “fowler” is who sets snares for us? What does it mean to be ensnared and how can we be delivered from the snare? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Take some time to let the truth of Psalm 91:3 sink in. Ask God for the wisdom of the Moravians who did count their lives as something to be held onto. Then read Acts 20:24. Write a prayer below surrendering your fears to God. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Begin memorizing Psalm 91 verse 3 today. Say verses 91:2-3 together without peeking!
Along with the poisoned winds of Corona Virus came quarantine. Or rather “Sheltering in place.” Being asked to stay home seemed truly odd. It was surreal, but I was exhausted and welcomed a reprieve from my work and volunteering. During the initial days of quarantine, funny memes and parodies popped up all over social media to entertain the home bound masses. A headline for an article put out by the Babylon Bee read “God to ignore quarantine and continue being everywhere.” This headline cracked me up! Babylon Bee correctly calls itself “Christian News Satirical”, but this time it’s not satirical.  They got it right! Today we are going to look at verse 3 of Psalm 91: “Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.” Embracing this verse can be a leap of faith at times. I was studying  verse 3 for my podcast as the first case of Corona virus was confirmed in my county. My husband works in health care, and without even realizing it, I was picturing this “noisome Pestilence” getting a foothold in the facility where he works. It was not a pretty picture. As it turned out, both my daily devotion and a book I am reading quoted Matthew 6:34 “Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought of itself.”  It was a great reminder that God goes before us and sees our tomorrows. He’s already there with a plan!  He was saying to me “You just relax, honey. I got this.” Have you ever had that happen? The same verse popping up all over? This is why we dwell with Him in the secret place. When we do, we give Him an open door to reiterate His truth and reassure our trembling soul. His Word and His presence blasts fear. Fear itself is a “noisome pestilence.” It’s loud and it’s a pest. Fear is like a  mosquito, buzzing and biting us. We have to swat and wave and continually escape to our fortress. Some days we can barely come out due to the swarm of fear.  Other times we exit the secret place and go all day in the peace that comes from being sheltered in HIm. I am so grateful for Psalm 91. It is a refuge that I can return to and remind myself that God is MY God and I can trust in Him. As we unpack Psalm 91:3, I already find the first part to be a bit challenging.            “SURELY He will deliver you.” Surely?             But God… I know Christians who died in car accidents. I know Christians who suffered persecution. I know some who have been crying out to you for healing and have yet to be relieved. How can this Psalm make such a claim? Let’s look at healing, specifically. There are two thoughts, or I should say “philosophies ” I have here. They are based on my time with God and my experiences, but I also acknowledge the subject of healing is a complicated thing. There is no “one size fits all.” The words verse three uses here are “noisome” which also means destructive, calamitous, or evil. Then “snare of the fowler” implies a trap set by Satan. In both cases, this verse is saying that what the enemy plans for us cannot prevail. Again; God is already in our tomorrows preparing the way for us. Another aspect to healing is that it would be foolish to assume everyone is healed every time of everything. In the day Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil our fleshly bodies began deteriorating. No one is going to escape physical death! But we need not FEAR it!! David said in Psalm 23; “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.” Chuck Smith who founded Calvary Chapels tells a story of a man who came to his house unexpectedly for counseling. He asked if Pastor Chuck would meet him in the privacy of his car. Pastor Chuck obliged. As they were talking, the man then held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him. Pastor Chuck continued the conversation calmly. The man put the gun down. “I wanted to see if you believe what you preach.”  Pastor Chuck explained that as he faced the barrel of the gun, he was not afraid of death. He knew he had an eternal home. Daniel’s friends were facing a fiery furnace and declared, “Our God whom we serve is ABLE to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace…but if not…we will not serve thy gods.” In the book “The hiding Place” two sisters hold onto to God in the midst of terrible suffering. One sister, Betsie, is terribly ill. She manages to inform her sister Corrie that God told her they would both be free before year’s end. Indeed, Corrie is miraculously let out of the prison before the year’s end. Betsie is set free through death. “Oh death”, the Bible says, “where is your sting?” If we know Jesus, death is but a door to a new and glorious beginning. John Wesley, enroute to America marveled at the calm a persecuted Christian sect called the Moravians maintained as the ship tossed and turned in a vicious storm. “How are you so calm?” he asked.”Are you not afraid to die?” “We die daily,” came the wise answer from the leader. As we declare “My God, in YOU I trust,” we also surrender our lives and trust that what He does is good and right. If that means our death will bring Him glory, then even that is laid down at His feet. It may take some serious secret place time to grasp that truth. That is ok. It is what the Secret Place is all about. We dwell there with God until His peace overshadows us. Finally, I do believe God heals. In fact, I am aware of more miraculous healings than seemingly pointless deaths. Therefore, we pray and call on God. Then we continue to “Shelter in place” with HIM. HE will speak to us in the quiet of our hearts. He will give us the verse we need for each situation. Our role is to let Him be God. You know that Babylon Bee article I mentioned at the beginning. Here s another quote from it: “We have absolutely no control over the guy” said CDC spokesman Jim Wells, “Which is extremely frustrating. We want to remind you, though, that you are NOT God, so please stay put in small groups.” Do all you can. Then, after you have done all, stand. (Eph 6:13) God will  go before us and take care of our tomorrow. God is already there arranging it on our behalf.   Write out Psalm 91:3 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Write it out using your own words: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now say Psalm 91:1-3 aloud. How do you feel about the term “surely” He will deliver you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you think of a time God delivered you? Was it the way you expected to be delivered? How did He surprise you in that deliverance? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What noisome pestilence or fear may be bothering you today? How can this verse offer reassurance? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Read Ephesians 6:13. What can you do to solve the problem that may be causing fear? In what way are you dependent on God to solve it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Who do you think the “fowler” is who sets snares for us? What does it mean to be ensnared and how can we be delivered from the snare? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Take some time to let the truth of Psalm 91:3 sink in. Ask God for the wisdom of the Moravians who did count their lives as something to be held onto. Then read Acts 20:24. Write a prayer below surrendering your fears to God. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Begin memorizing Psalm 91 verse 3 today. Say verses 91:2-3 together without peeking!
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